Random Restless


Obama, Bridge to Nowhere

Ladder to nowhere on Bayard in Williamsburg

"The president is trying to present himself as a bridge between the parties."
- Obama as Mediator [NYT]

He truly has become "the bridge to nowhere."

I've been feeling so hopeless that I started watching WWII documentaries to cheer myself up, and it almost worked; the episode on the fall of France reminded me that Obama and Democrats are not the first to meekly hand a nation over to thugs, and episodes about the Eastern Front reminded me that, no matter how much the GOP wants to emulate the Third Reich, it's just too fat, crazy, and tangled in its own lies to pull it off, thank God.

And I'm glad the NY Times started charging for Web access.  Since I'd have to quit NetFlix to subscribe -- and there's no way in hell I'd give up distracting entertainment like WWII documentaries -- now I just read headlines on the Times' site, which is only 60% as depressing as reading the articles.

Yes, the world needs facts and journalism, but right now they just remind me how screwed we are, how powerless, as we watch Obama, Cuomo and the rest help the GOP -- which has spent a few decades doing its best to make facts useless -- carry water for the arrogant scum who run Wall Street and the world, and blitzkrieg any attempt to slow their never ending greed for more economic lebensraum.

If you're feeling grim too, I highly recommend homeopathic treatment with the Eastern Front documentary War of the Century; it goes especially well with a bucket of Siberian-buttered popcorn and a bottle of Kalashnikov vodka.