Random Restless


#1 NYC Pet Peeve

Ren, Also Peeved

Of course there are plenty of things I straight-up hate...

...basically anything, from cellphones to car horns & alarms to Wall Street money, that helps the clueless swaggering plastic assholes among us increase the radius of their broadcasts...

...that couldn't be called pet peeves unless the pet was the monster from Alien, but there are a few things that maybe peeve me more than they should.

Like the way the "green market" at Union Square, left, always steals the sidewalk and tries to force passersby through its precious gauntlet, like bran through the intestines during yoga class.

Like the spiffy kids who try to stop you on the sidewalk to listen to their "Save the Children" scams.  Save them for what?  Dessert?

But my #1 NYC pet peeve is those f*cking booster banners, like below.

Bright Shiny Yuppie Prayer Flags

I hate them, I Hate Them, I HATE THEM!!!

You can't take a picture in this city without those banners in it.  They are turning NYC into a Yuppie North Korea, with bright reminders every 100 feet that it is your DUTY to be HAPPY for the opportunity to trade your city and soul for the bland, ad-sponsored comfort of suburban emptiness, for the ability to pass through life unmolested by doubt, friction-free, like... bran through the intestines during yoga class.