Random Restless


A Tale of Two Entrances

A few photos that demonstrate the priorities of the building, above the Food Emporium at Union Square, that continues to cheat the city out of a subway escalator.

Above, the plush comfort of the building's auto entrance on 15th St., a pleasant place to burn some exhaust.

Meanwhile below, on the 14th St. side of the building, the fat escalator casket that clogs the subway entrance -- more than two years after the escalator died -- is still forcing rush hour crowds through a dark, narrow cattle chute of a stairwell.  And to add insult to injury, some worthless entity has turned the casket into a money-making billboard, below left.

Why does it take the city and MTA years to make the scofflaws pay up?  Forget the unmaintainable escalator, just put in some stairs.  And fine the building enough to make them gold plated.